Mother Blessing

A Circle Experience to honour your Pregnancy & Birthing Time 

  "Thank you for your loving support, your wisdom and holding the most beautiful, special mother blessing.
For the conversation that gave me 
so much strength.
You have a gift, 
thank you for sharing it generously  "

Want something different to a baby shower ?

Instead have a Mother Blessing that  honours YOUR rite of passage and celebrates YOUR experience of pregnancy and upcoming birth ...

A Mother Blessing looks like ... 

> A circle  of  your favourite women coming together to hold you over this rite of passage of birth, to provide strength, wisdom and comfort.

> A soul centred and wholesome experience  that gives you time to reflect on where you have come from and bless the path that you traverse through the birth of your baby & yourself, as a mother.

> A space of time to express how you are feeling, to be celebrated, revered, seen and create an  intention for the coming days of last pregnancy & birth

> A time to connect to your pregnant body, your intuition and call in an intentional and nourished birth experience

> A time for your loved ones to surround you in their love
their support and share through stories as a source of comfort, 
inspiration and wisdom. 

"I hope you do not mind me
reaching out.
A friend of mine
recommended you as you held
her mother blessing last year and she said it was AMAZING.


 Your Mother Blessing ... 

... is an opportunity to connecting in with the body, your baby and your support network.

It is a chance to express what is coming up for you and to receive the energy of love and be filled to brim with
heartfelt sentiments, loving words and adoration.

A time to replenish the well spring of your body, breathe a little deeper, nourish your heart and mind
and begin a process of letting go what will no longer serve in labour and birth.

In many ways it is a reflection of ancient times, where women would have been held in a loving circle of women  who helped her  prepare for the upcoming birth through ritual, story, laughter and tears.


√ A 2-3 hour Mother Blessing Circle 
includes Candle ceremony plus 1-2 rituals and a
fear release ceremony
 (maximum 10 women) 

√  1 Hour  ZOOM preparation 

√  A beautiful circle alter to adorn your space

√ Mother gift 

Curated Mother Blessing playlist 

Optional Extras - Cushions

Cost: $333 (May include a travel charge)

Childbirth is an experience of a woman's life that holds the power to transform her forever.
passing through these powerful gates - in her own way - 
remembering all the generations of women who walk with her - She is never alone. 

Suzanne Arms 

Hi, I'm Cindy 

I'm a Melbourne birth doula and educator and I want more women feeling confident about the magnificence of their birthing body and remembering a birth they felt autonomous and super present to. 
 I want women to feel FULLY SUPPORTED and SUPER SAFE  to TRUST THEIR INTUITIONand body to birth their babies strongly into the world.  
And I have a secret desire to ensure  Birth Partners are  super confident, SKILLED and knowledgeable to create the loved - up birth bubble environment for the birth you are seeking.

I have birthed three babies naturally, undisturbed and fully supported. 

One of my babies decided to come before his EDD (not in MY plan), one before the midwife arrived and one before I had time to wash my beach hair - but  let's leave those glorious stories for another time because
this course is about your birth - the day you meet your baby and birth yourself into a mother - yikes - that is BIG...Rite of Passage will always bring up the big stuff.

YET I'm here with you to walk alongside you at this BIG, exciting and significant highlight of your life.

"We feel so grateful we had you apart of our journey. 
Your words of wisdom and  helping me reflect was incredible.  
You have a real gift and passion . 
 We appreciate everything you have
 passed on  through your wisdom" 

Mother Blessing is perfect if ... 

  • You want to be honoured as a beautiful pregnant goddess and filled to the brim with confidence and love.

    • You want to  connect into delicious feminine energy  and dance  in this potent  energy of birth

    • You want to create an energetic support bubble  over your labour time and maybe put some systems in place to sustain you over postpartum ie organise  a meal train
    • A space to safely express  how you are feeling in this middle space between your old self and your new identity. 

    • A deepening of your pregnancy experience as you head toward birth channelling  your best birthing self