Doula Services 

Be confidently ready & fully supported to trust your  intuition  & birth as you want   

 "Cindy’s greatest gift was her versatility. 

Her innate ability to fill various roles as I needed them was magic. 

From educator and supporter to ally, and what I ached for most in my second pregnancy - nurturer. 

Cindy’s presence is stable and grounded"


I know that more than anything you want :

>To know you will be ok and be able to cope with the pain of childbirth

>The birth of your baby to bring deep connection between yourself & your partner

>Feel empowered and in control of all the decision making

>To have a go at natural birth, unless medical circumstances present.

>You want to feel READY and excited for birth AND  PREPARED so well you feel confidence
in all t
 Be supported & prepared to get the birth you are seeking.

Yet are you thinking like this?

  • I only need my partner in the room 
  • I'm not sure I  will be able be able to manage the pain.

  • How am I going to cope with the pain ?
  • I have continuity with my Obstetrician.
  • My Obstetrician knows best.
  • I don't know how i will go because I've never birthed before
  • I don't think I'll be allowed to do this because ..."

Let yourself receive the support you need, to get the birth experience you are planning for

Feel positive by the support of a doula on this journey with you!

Have self-assurance that you and your partner will create a  skilled love bubble birth team that progresses labour along and also has know how for the birth challenges.

I'll be with you in pregnancy  AND at your birth so you can feel fully supported and super nourished every step of the way.


You want this

> A high vibin'  pregnancy feels of I CAN  DO IT  or MY BIRTH WILL BE  AMAZING

> A birth-story filled with connection to your partner, endorphin fuelled highs, effective support and feelings of a birth you loved.

>Being able to meet ANY sensation in your  labour and birth (even the  painful ones)

> To set your own course for an empowered, intuition-connected and autonomous pregnancy & birth  

> A SOLID sense of self trust in your body  and it's birth wisdom

"Thank you so much for being at my birth,
for not only bringing your amazing energy
but also for Poppy.
It was perfect and flowed so naturally.
I couldn't have asked for better.
Tonight Poppy and I were discussing [birth]events,
she said at the end, Cindy put me to bed AND sang me a song.
When I asked what song, she said "One she sings to her boys",
Oh my Heart xxxxx Thank you "


Have  self trust and be confident about birth avoiding ongoing worry about coping with pain.

A doula helps you with this aswell as

  • Trusting of  YOUR birth physiology  and your birth hormones 

  • Leaning in on support to help with childbirth pain rather than soldering through by yourself  or eek - choosing the epidural you never wanted . 

  • Knowing  thyself - and how to  create  confidence in your capacity to birth before you have even done it.

  • Have crystal clear communication to your  birth partner on the  'action plan' for how he can be the rockstar birth support with the right tools in the birth space.

  • Communication skill up-level with caregivers

  • Clarity on  birth team roles and responsibilities during labour
  • How to  transmute the energy of self-doubt ➔ into birth goddess energy brimming with intuitive self trust - It's possible!!!!
"Having Cindy with us as our doula 
is a decision 
we're so pleased we made. 
She provided practical, hands on support,
 massage, acupressure 
but also words of encouragement
 inspiring confidence in me when I was tired."

Hi, I'm Cindy 

I'm a Melbourne birth doula and educator and I want more women feeling confident about the magnificence of their birthing body and remembering a birth they felt autonomous and super present to. 
 I want women to feel FULLY SUPPORTED and SUPER SAFE  to TRUST THEIR INTUITION and body to birth their babies strongly into the world.  
And I have a secret desire to ensure  Birth Partners are  super confident, SKILLED and knowledgeable to create the loved - up birth bubble environment for the birth you are seeking.

I have birthed three babies naturally, undisturbed and fully supported. 

One of my babies decided to come before his EDD (not in MY plan), one before the midwife arrived and one before I had time to wash my beach hair - but  let's leave those glorious stories for another time because
this course is about your birth - the day you meet your baby and birth yourself into a mother - yikes - that is BIG...Rite of Passage will always bring up the big stuff.

YET I'm here with you to walk alongside you at this BIG, exciting and significant highlight of your life.

Receive as a FREE bonus the   Wild Depths of Your Birth   
12 part Video Series on everything you need to know about your birth physiology & turning pain into power.
Understand your hormones that help you in the WILD depths of labour.

"Having Cindy as my doula 
was the most beautiful experience 
from the very first day.
She was so patient with my partner and I 
and went above and beyond. 
We couldn't have had better support.
It was such a beautful gift to give myself. 
Highly recommend. " 


WHAT YOU RECEIVE  (from your new  birth bestie)

√ 3 x 2 hour sessions during pregnancy (often one a trimester)

√ 5 week on call and support at your birth (hospital or home)

1 x  1 hour "Fine tune" Zoom call at 40 weeks 

1 x 2h post birth debrief and postpartum check in 

√ Voxer support throughout pregnancy and first 4 weeks post birth

 BONUS CONTENT : Wild Depths of your Birth - All you need to know about Physiology, hormones & labour

All you need to set up for a smooth BIRTH-DAY

( of the highlight days of your life, right!?)

I am the doula for you if... 

  • You want to increase your  chances of natural childbirth in a hospital, unless a true medical circumstance prevails

  • You want to give birth your best go 

  • You KNOW birth is challenging thing but you can do hard things !!!!

  • You have a healthy dose of trusting your body's intuitive wisdom to know how to birth and you see pregnancy & birth as physiological not pathological.  

  • You want 100% ROCK SOLID SUPPORT from your birth partner

  • You want to take ownership and responsibility for all decisions that will impact your birthing experience. 

  • You want to honour your experience of birth as a Rite of Passage with an opportunity to expand and grow as you birth yourself as well as your baby.


The general answer is anytime however ideally you want to be booked into and starting your first antenatal session & birth education by 20 weeks. In my experience this is best to navigate everthing we need to get through however I also know this is not always possible and for MANY REASONS women come to me later or much earlier. Awareness of what you want and conviction on being committed to your vision, with support set ups are more of an indicator of getting the birth you want than the time you book in.

 I offer a free Doula discovery call - which is your opportunity to suss me out  7 check availabity for your birth time.  This is a time to ask your questions, feel into my energy  and also I get to ask you a few questions too. It's important you choose the right doula for yourself who you feel comfortable with and is aligned to you in what you are focusing on in your preparation for the birth you want.
You want to feel like we can be "best friends in birth" over your pregnancy.
After this call , if we agree to move forward, you will receive a doula contract which outlines our working relationship and an email which will outline all the things such as booking dates for our antenatal assessments.  So lets get started...

Please book a free discovery call to discuss availability should you wish to discuss this with Cindy.

Doula Payment terms are outlined in your contract. Upon acceptance of my services there is a payment upfront with a final payment by 35 weeks. Payment plans can be negotiated privately.
Email Cindy if you wish to see the Doula contract